You want to start an indoor gardening project, that’s great! However, before you embark on the project, there are several things that you will have to do.
· Buy the best LED grow lights; the LED light you buy will affect the growth of the plants. The different lights have been designed with features that favor different growth cycles. For example; there are those that favor the flowering plants, while others favor the vegetative growth.
· Still in the buying, you are advised to choose the perfect company to buy from. There are many different good companies out there, with the Vanten LED being on the best.
· The LED grow lights come in different color spectrums including; red, blue, orange,white etc. these color spectrums favor different growth cycle. You are thus advised to choose wisely.
Using The LED Lights
It is onlythrough the proper using of the LED lights that your plants will attain theiroptimal growth. It is also important for you to place the light in a perfect position.Inadequate lighting will lead to stagnation of the plants. The plants tend togrow towards the light and so it is important to place the lights in astrategic position.
· The number of hours the plants need to be placed under the light differs. You are advised to place the vegetative plants under the light for 16 to 18 hours. This will give the plants the much needed light for growth. Once the time has elapsed,you should switch off the LED lights and allow the plants to stay for 6 hours or so.
· Adjust height of the lights; by adjusting you will increase or decrease the effect of the light. During the early vegetative stages, the LED light should be placed at least 300 mm above the plants. This will enable the sufficient supply of light. Once the plants reach the vegetative stage, you should raise the lights above up to 600 mm above the plant. This will, however depend on the type of the plant you are growing. During the flowering stage, maintain the light somewhere between 300 mm to 600 mm above the plant.
· Provide the plants with proper nutrition; you should alter the watering as many times as possible. Over watering and under watering of the plants may affect the growth of the plants. You now, the plants undergo a process called photosynthesis, which causes water to evaporate. You should of course replace the evaporated water, but the level of water should be kept low to avoid water logging.
· Plants that grow under LED grow lights usually require around 30% of feeding. Offering the required nutrients is important for the growth of the plants.
· You should also offer supplementary heating for the plants. During growth, the heat is usually reduced. This is beneficial as it of course reduces plant stress. However, during the cold season, you should ensure that the temperature of the grow room is significantly increased.